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Alliance Machinery and Equipment Appraisals

About Us

Alliance Machinery and Equipment Appraisals is a leading, regional, equipment appraisal company. We are not equipment dealers or equipment broker. We do not appraise real estate, works of art, or collectibles. We specialize in machinery and equipment appraisals and have the training, experience, and resources to provide you with a Certified, Machine and Equipment Appraisal that meet the Uniform Standards for Professional Appraisal Practices (USPAP) guidelines that will withstand scrutiny by the courts, attorneys, the SBA, and the IRS.


Our appraisers have the designation of Certified Machinery and Equipment Appraiser by the NEBB Institute, one of the nationally recognized education and accreditation organizations. Also, they have been recognized and accepted as Expert Witnesses in court.

We offer competitive rates and prompt service.

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